Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo. Benjamin Franklin

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

LASH presentation (Elisa)

The fourth group that did their presentation was us, ENCENDIENDO BOMBILLAS (Javier Muñoz, Laura Sanz, Mónica Santos-Olmo And Elisa Pérez). We did a presentation about the environmental science where the children and the teacher use activity of all type( theory, trip, work in basic and expert group…). I think that our work is good, but of course we can improve it. But some of my partner say me that it’s the work that most liked them and also the most completly and funny.

And we can learn the theory using the practicse, during we do the activity. This is the most important thing.

The fiveth group that did their presentation was LASH (Laura borné, Andrea Santos, Sara Sánchez and Hector Vázquez). This group was a presentation about what the children have to know about the diet and the importance of that. The work was for 1º gade of Primary and was divided in 5 sesion.

The last day the began their presentation but they were so nervious and their presentation was incomplete and Yolanda sais that they have a second opportunity the next day to improve their work.

Some of them explain the work looking only at Yolanda or Reading the Power point, but i but it is normal because most of us have done (including me) by the nerves of speaking in front of people and above in English. I believe that with time and practice all of us solve this problema, because no one is born learned.
They used the Jigsaw and TGT techniques using the technology. In one session they pupose a game where there were winners and loser, and the aim of this work is that all of the children will be winners and none losers. Because we have cooperative learning and not competitive learning. In my opinion, this is a think that was bad, but also I think that now that the have do a mistake they have learned it.

Other interesting thing is that they have used less than that they expect, the opposite that the other groups. 
Elisa Pérez Sañudo
1ºB Magisterio Primaria Biligüe

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

The four magic teachers (Mónica)

On one side, The ideas they have used in the presentation are very good and dinamic, I really like the idea of the children taking the role of teachers to explain some things to their partners, what I like the most about this idea is that it's equal, not only the "intelligent students" teach, but also the rest of the pupils.
They all have a portfolio which they have to use everyday, this is also a very good idea because it helps the children not to forget what they have done and to reflect about the activities. They also said thet one of the main objectives was, besides teaching new things, they will be looking forward to encourage the student to grow as a person, to teach them useful skills for their future.

On the other side, I was a bit bored at the beggining of the presentation because they have introduced too much theory, in my opinion. We already knew the theoretical part so from my point of view they should have reduced this part. 

As a conclusion I think it was a pretty good presentation full of new and fun ideas to teach verbs, adjectives and nouns that before could sound boring, I believe that this group have worked very hard and, consequently have done a great job. Well done guys !

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

4 magic teachers presentation (Laura Sanz)

I liked the idea that children have a portfolio and they work on it every day. They have the opportunity to reflect every day during the didactic sequence. It is like a diary, they can write “whatever” they want, they can be creative and can compare their portfolio with other classmates. But I think, if it is not motivated by the teacher, it could be boring. Motivation is so important.
Another point I want to mark is the idea that each student has activities according to their level. And they work by basic teams, so they can help each other. Every student need to do an effort to resolve the activities.
This group also used the peer tutoring technique, I like this technique. It consists on feeling as a teacher. Half of the class works some activities with the teacher and they explain these activities to the rest of the class. And another day the roles change, not only the most intelligence students can feel as teachers but every student, because all of them are important. And feel as a teacher is a good experience that all need to fell.
I think one of their objectives is really fantastic, with this didactic sequence they want that students grow as people. Sometimes the teachers´ objectives are focus on the content and they forget the real and the most important one. We, as future teachers, cannot forget it!

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

The four magic teacher presentation (Elisa)

The third group that did their presentation was The four magic teacher (Ramiro Pérez, Eva Sánchez, Sara Arenas and Claudia Torrecilla). This group was a presentation about how the children can use the cooperative learning techniques to learn the different tipes of words (verbs, nouns, adjectives…).

This group have a good part and a bad part. In my point of view, the good part was that the things that they thought to do in class were so funny and very interesting and dinamic as the technique that the use to do the presentation (prezi). But on the other hand the bad part was that the introducction was so long and a bit boring, because they explain all techniques of cooperative learning. All of us had to know that (all techniques os cooperative learning) before doing this activity so we knew each one, and for this it was a bit boring.

But what I think would work, it was the activity was a very good activity and very well developed it so the children can learn and have fun at the same time, always in cooperative learning. They also use the jigsaw technique the same that the others groups and the same that my group. I believe that all groups have used this technique because is the better to develop the cooperative learning but not the unique.

To sum up in my opinion thay have explain too much theory at the beginning and it was a bit boring because we know that theory . They should have focused more in the techniques that they have used and explain this techniques. But I can see the effort and the work that they had dedicatted at the activity and also all resources that thay have used.

Elisa Perez Sañudo
1ºB Magisterio Primaria Bilingüe

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Minions presentation (Laura Sanz)

In my opinion they started very well, they were speaking all together but then, each member explained his or her part. It seemed that each one only had worked a part of the whole work. I suppose it is not true because I know all of the members of the group. But for the next time this group should take care this aspect.
I really liked this work but I think the ppt had too much letter. The explanations of each one were better than the ppt. Spectators understand better a person´s explanation than a text of it because a person uses signs, familiar expressions, he or she can control the volume of the voice… it is more showy. So I think, it is not necessary a lot of letter in the ppt, they did well.
Another interesting thing they did was giving a lot of importance to the individual reflection. I like this type of “assessment” because students can use it to dig deeper, learn more and reflect about their process of leaning. And it is very useful for the teacher.

K.I.A presentation (Laura Sanz)

It was really good they explained their name, it did that we included this in our presentation. It is very important a good beginning, it should call the attention of the spectators and it should contextualize them. We started learning from this group. Another thing they said us at the beginning was that cooperation is not only a methodology but content too; I find it really important.
This group added their previous expectations (feed forwards) and the results (feedbacks) and they said they will take them into account for the next time.
All they did all the work, they have a responsible for each task but all they did all. We, on the contrary, did some things together and other ones individually, we divided our work. I was used to think it is better to divided but they said they worked well. We may try to do our work by this way for the next time.
For this group, the basic groups have an advanced student, a creative, a needed and a mediated one. In my opinion it will depend on the class, each class is different and the teacher need to take into account more judgments. But as an idea it is ok.
The teacher gave them some proposes to do the work better, the most important one was avoiding the competition between students. Another very related with the previous one was promoting the success of all students not only of the cleverest ones.
And I think the co-evaluation is so important and they added it. As we are doing right now, students (as the teacher) should evaluate their classmates and provide them constructive criticisms. And not only make this but also learn of the rest. I think it is quite interesting.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Minions presentation (Elisa)

The second group that did their presentation was LOS MINIONS (Irene Merino, Ainara Gonzalez, Isabel Pastor, Raul Garcia and Elisabet Lopez). This group was a presentation about how the children can use the cooperative learning techniques to learn about music. First each memeber of the group explain their commitments. They also use the jigsaw thechnique in which each one receive  a part that preparate with a expert group with members of the others groups  that have the same part, then each one explain his/her part at the basic group, the principal idea of their work was that they want that their class should be cooperation not competitive.
One idea that they included in their presentation and I really like was that the children have to do a diary  about what they learned in all of the class. Sometime this diary can be so boring, but is a very good method to the teacher know what exactly each student learned, which aspect he/she need improve…
I hesitated a bit if all members knew explain all parts of the work. Some have given evidence that itself would be able, but not others. I also think that the powet point had too much letters and sometimes was too boring, which is enlivened with different colors, but it should be less than dusting letter but not the content say that in the presentacion. They have become very nervous and sometimes not I couldn’t undestand very well what they were explaining and have talked very fast, but this is normal and happens to everyone and we can change it in time and with more presentations. But it shows that behind this there is a great effort needs work and dedication.

I like so much this work because now I have more ideas and I know more interesting activities to use in the future when I will be a teacher.
Elisa Pérez Sañudo
1ºB Magisterio Primaria Bilingüe

K.I.A presentation (Elisa)

In this days we have to do a presentation about cooperative learning. How we can use the different cooperative learning techniques with differents activities, subjects and ages.
The first group that did their presentation was K.I.A (Ana Escribano, Pablo Magallares and Ana Gonzalez). This group was a presentation about how the children can use the cooperative learning techniques to learn about the solar system. They use the jigsaw technique in which each one receive  a part that preparate with a expert group with members of the others groups  that have the same part, then each one explain his/her part at the basic group. The activity that they have prepared are very complete, because first the teacher do an explication and give some papers where the children can find all the information that they need to do the activities. They do very different and interesing activities to learn things about solar sistems. And this is a thing very important, that the chilg¡dren learn while having fun. At the end the secuency activity the children have to do a table abour self-evaluation, and they put three columns where they have to choose between J(good) and  L (bad), This is a wrong things, because if you say them that their work are bad it isn’t a motivation to improve, but is you say regulary or something like that they have more motivation.
It is a very interesting and original work, because the proposed activities will have been adapted for primary education, this activities are very entertaining and educational (games, models ...). Behind this presentation the effort and dedication of all it shows, it's a group effort and not the sum of several parts. Also notice that all cooperative learning techniques are known. The fact that they have volunteered and also can correct and learn from their mistakes shows a degree of security ,commitment and interest to the subject.

I like so much this work because now I have more ideas and I know more interesting activities to use in the future when I will be a teacher.
Elisa Pérez Sañudo 
1ºB Magisterio Primaria Bilingüe

Reflection about Minions group (Mónica)

They started presenting the name of the group and telling us their personal commitments, since the beginning of the presentation they were almost all of them a bit nervous, I can understand that but as an advice I have to tell that they have to learn how to hide it because maybe they weren’t very nervous but enough for us to perceive it, that’s why I have to be honest and say that I felt a bit lost in some parts, because they didn’t explain it clearly maybe because they say non-sense things, and by this I mean loads of “em…” and hands moving, or because they speak very fast, but only some parts. Despite this, I think that it is a very good presentation and they took it seriously.
They used the Jigsaw technique, not competitive at all, the ideas were very creative and direct to learn not only the book, but also some skills that the children will be able to develop during the base groups and the experts groups, one of the thing is how to share the information you have searched, or be able to capture the most important things that happened in class one day by doing a diary, I think this was an amazing idea, very good for children and for the teacher to know what they’re learning and, more important, what they are missing, I say more important because this will give the teachers important clues to prepare next classes. Besides at the end of the diary they have to write a personal reflection about the topic and, also say what it has been more important for them or thing they did not know before. I think this was the most important part of the didactic sequence.
I also think that the presentation has too many lyric, it wasn’t schematic and because of this, I was a bit bored in some moments, and in my group we have the feeling that not everyone could talk about everything, only two or three people intervened while their partners were explaining. But despite this I think they have worked hard and took it serious, so good job guys! And thank you for giving us new ideas of teaching music.

Mónica Santos-Olmo Sánchez

Reflection about K.I.A group (Mónica)

First of all I found very brave to volunteer themselves to be the first group to talk, because the class was very nervous and scared minutes before starting, because some people told us that in the other group, Yolanda had sat 2 out of 2 groups.
They started talking about the problem they had with Sara, the Irish girl, despite this they did a pretty good job and managed to control the situation.
I also believe that they all knew what their partners were talking about, I mean, generally they only talked in their turn but when Yolanda asked them something she didn’t understand properly, they all knew how to explain.
They presented us an Art and Science class, in my opinion they have used different types of resources which is very good and the sessions were fun and enriching, they also explained some objectives that children will have to achieve, I think this help them to create the activities, because they were not only interested in them to learn about the topic, the were also looking for something else, like responsibility or collaboration.
They used two types of methods, the Jigsaw or Puzzle method, as we did, and the TGT. The first technique was used when they have to do a project about the planets. And they integrated TGT technique by playing a game, STOP, if I have to point out something I didn't really like it would be this because this technique promotes competition and is the opposite of cooperative learning, but I have to say that the activity promoted competition at a very low level, which I think it's just a kind of motivation, but still I would tell them to point each child, not just the winners.
In the self-evaluation they did a table in where they had to tic if they did it Bad (L), good (:/) or really good (J). Instead of this punctuation, I would have put More or less good, Good, Really good, because as Yolanda explained, if they have worked in class, it’s impossible to do it badly.
To sum up, I think they did a great job, I really like their presentation and the ideas they propose using different resources, it also seems that they have worked a lot and took this project very seriously. We even changed some details of our presentation after watching theirs.
Good job guys! I really like it, keep on working like this because it would teach us loads of new ideas, besides it would enrich us as teachers. Thank you.

Mónica Santos-Olmo Sánchez

Team table plan