Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo. Benjamin Franklin

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

K.I.A presentation (Elisa)

In this days we have to do a presentation about cooperative learning. How we can use the different cooperative learning techniques with differents activities, subjects and ages.
The first group that did their presentation was K.I.A (Ana Escribano, Pablo Magallares and Ana Gonzalez). This group was a presentation about how the children can use the cooperative learning techniques to learn about the solar system. They use the jigsaw technique in which each one receive  a part that preparate with a expert group with members of the others groups  that have the same part, then each one explain his/her part at the basic group. The activity that they have prepared are very complete, because first the teacher do an explication and give some papers where the children can find all the information that they need to do the activities. They do very different and interesing activities to learn things about solar sistems. And this is a thing very important, that the chilg¡dren learn while having fun. At the end the secuency activity the children have to do a table abour self-evaluation, and they put three columns where they have to choose between J(good) and  L (bad), This is a wrong things, because if you say them that their work are bad it isn’t a motivation to improve, but is you say regulary or something like that they have more motivation.
It is a very interesting and original work, because the proposed activities will have been adapted for primary education, this activities are very entertaining and educational (games, models ...). Behind this presentation the effort and dedication of all it shows, it's a group effort and not the sum of several parts. Also notice that all cooperative learning techniques are known. The fact that they have volunteered and also can correct and learn from their mistakes shows a degree of security ,commitment and interest to the subject.

I like so much this work because now I have more ideas and I know more interesting activities to use in the future when I will be a teacher.
Elisa Pérez Sañudo 
1ºB Magisterio Primaria Bilingüe

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